Colorado concrete polish

Website design and
Brand identity

case study

A modern website that shows the world who you are and what you do is an essential tool for all of today’s businesses. A brand identity that has been hand crafted for your business complete with a new website is even better.


Concrete and Resurfacing

Design Categories

Brand Identity
Vehicle Graphics
Business Cards

the ocd Creative Process

Take a look into our creative process to see how we partner with you to craft visual solutions for all of the needs that you and your unique business has.

The Client

Mariano Soto has worked in the concrete industry for over ten years. 

His dedication to the concrete craft and providing the highest quality finished products for his customers led him to create Colorado Concrete Polish.

We partnered with Mariano to create the face of his company from a custom made new logo, an official website compatible with both desktop and mobile, t-shirts for all of his employees, graphics for his trucks, and business cards to give to his customers to boot.

Time Management

We always prioritize meeting any timelines and deadlines necessary to finish your projects on time, everytime.

Vision Turned Reality

No one knows better than you what the vision for your company is. We will work with you each step of the way to turn your dreams into a reality. From a logo that embodies the passion behind your business, to all of the modern necessities to become a thriving business in today’s modern world.

Market Research

Understanding your business, industry, and competition helps us to deliver creative solutions that allow you to show your true colors and stand out. 

Communication is Key

Staying in contact with you each step of the way throughout the process is essential to any successful design project. We will always keep you up to date with the latest versions of the project throughout the proofing, feedback, and revision stages until we land on a true winner together.

Industry Research

We get to know you, your industry, and your competition in order to craft design solutions to make your brand stand out.

Brand Identity Design

Designing a brand takes an understanding of who you are, what you value, and how you want your company to be seen.

Custom Logo Design

A great brand starts with a great logo. We work together with you to create a custom logo that shows the world who you are.

Website Development

Building you a custom website that fits your needs, the needs of your business, and the need of your clients and customers.


To best serve you and your business, we have to get to know you and your business. Understanding your company and its true ambitions is key to knowing how we can best partner with you to create designs that help achieve your objectives and connect with your customers.

Minimalist Design

Responsive Website

Creative Branding

We partnered with Colorado Concrete Polish to create a unique brand identity and all of the essentials that a burgeoning business needs to solidify its place in the concrete industry. 

OTHER Recent works

View more of the companies we have partnered with and the successful projects we have crafted to solve real world problems for them.

What do you want to create together?

What design project can we help you with today?